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Rethink Grant Overview and Data

Overview and Grant Design (Core Competencies)

In July 2020, the United States Department of Education (USDE) announced that New York wasÌýawarded almostÌý$20 millionÌýfor the federalÌýRethinkÌýK-12 Education ModelsÌýGrant.ÌýThis will provide more than 190,000 teachers and educational leaders across this State with a combined 450,000 hours of professional support to implement effective practices in remote/hybrid teaching and learning which, in turn, will reach an estimated two million students. Thirty-nine states applied for this funding and New York was one of eleven states to be awarded funds under this grant competition.

The °ÄÃŻʹÚ-Ê×Ò³Ìýapplied for the Rethink Education Models grantÌýto support blended and remote learning. The Department’s approach to continuity of learning is founded on two major pillars: a partnership with communities, schools, and educational leaders to close the digital divide, and steadfast support for New York’s educators.ÌýSchools at every level across our State face tremendous challenges as they address the crisis created by COVID-19; we commend our dedicated educators who have stepped up, adapting quickly to ensure continuity of learning so our students don’t fall behind.

The grant is funded through the federal Education Stabilization Fund (ESF), authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.Ìý.

Other Resources

Rethink Grant by the Numbers
  • 19.9M - Approximate amount in dollars NYS received as a part of theÌýRethink K-12 Education Models GrantÌý
  • 1.89M - Number of students who will be served byÌýeducators trained through evidence-basedÌýprofessional learningÌýthrough the TRLE program.Ìý
  • Ìý94,513Ìý– Minimum number of teachers who will be served by theÌýprofessional learning experiencesÌýin TRLEÌý
  • 75 – Percentage of educators who willÌýcomplete at least one PLE on remote learning through TRLE activities.Ìý
  • 25 – PercentageÌýpoint increaseÌýof remote/hybrid student learning options expectedÌýdue to TRLE.Ìý
Rethink Grant Leadership Team
  • Jim BaldwinÌý
    • Senior Deputy Commissioner for Education PolicyÌý
    • TRLEÌýProject Director
  • Allison Armour-GarbÌý
    • Special Advisor to the Executive Deputy Commissioner for Education Policy
    • TRLE Project ManagerÌý

    David Frank

    • Chief of Staff, Office of Education PolicyÌý
    • TRLE Project ManagerÌý
  • Tanya Lewis-JonesÌý
    • TRLE Project CoordinatorÌý
  • Annette AudiÌý
    • TRLE Project AssistantÌý​

Contact us atÌý°ù±ð³Ù³ó¾±²Ô°ì°ª²Ô²â²õ±ð»å.²µ´Ç±¹ÌýÌý

Rethink Grant Participation

Throughout the three-year life of the grant, ¶«¾©ÈÈÎÞÂë will be asking for input from both educators and the public.

  • Rethink Grant Advisory GroupÌý
    • As part of the continuous improvement process of this program, we are seeking to partner with stakeholders throughout the state to serve on the TRLE Advisory Board, a sub-committee of the ¶«¾©ÈÈÎÞÂë Office of Curriculum and Instruction’s Digital Learning Advisory Committee. TRLE Advisory Board members will include parents, students, teachers, educational leaders, researchers, professional learning providers, and community leaders. The TRLE Advisory Board will serve as a sounding board for project initiatives and will be asked for feedback to help maximize project impact. Discussion topics may include analyzing data collected through our evaluation partner and/or providing insight regarding the latest trends from the field.Ìý
  • Educators
    • PleaseÌýprovideÌýyourÌýthoughts to the TRLE teamÌýand sign up to participate in future focus groupsÌýthrough atÌýÌý
  • Students
    • Students will be able to share their thoughts on remote/hybrid learning environments through participating in focus groups and interviews.Ìý
  • Parents
    • NYS parents can also sign up to participate in focus groups and interviews to help guide the TRLE activities.Ìý
Rethink Grant Partners
  • Level 1 CentersÌý
    • Level 1 Centers provided a rapid infusion a rapid infusion of professional learning to educators throughout the state. To facilitate these experiences, ¶«¾©ÈÈÎÞÂë has partnered with RegionalÌýInformationÌýCentersÌý(RICs)Ìýand school districts and has designated five of these entities as Level 1 Centers:Ìý
      1. Consortium of 10 RICsÌý–ÌýÌý
        • Website:Ìý
        • Twitter:Ìý
        • The Consortium is comprised of:Ìý
          • NortheasternRegional Information Center (NERIC)-Albany-Schoharie-Schenectady-Saratoga BOCES (Capital Region BOCES)Ìý
          • Suffolk RIC- Eastern Suffolk BOCESÌý
          • South Central RIC (SCRIC)- Broome-Delaware-Tioga BOCES (Broome-Tioga BOCES)Ìý
          • Nassau RIC- Nassau BOCESÌý
          • Mohawk RIC(MORIC)- Madison-Oneida BOCESÌý
          • Monroe RIC- Monroe 1 BOCESÌý
          • Mid-Hudson/Ulster RIC (MHRIC)-Ulster BOCESÌý
          • Greater Southern Tier RIC (GSTRIC)- Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES (Greater Southern Tier BOCES)Ìý
          • EduTechRIC (EduTech)- Ontario-Seneca-Yates-Cayuga-Wayne BOCES (Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES)Ìý
          • Central NY RIC (CNYRIC)- Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES (OCM BOCES)Ìý
      2. Lower Hudson RegionalÌýInformationÌýCenter (LHRIC)Ìýin partnership withÌýSouthernÌýWestchesterÌýBOCES andÌýin collaboration with members of our regional Joint Management Team (JMT)Ìý
        • Website:Ìý
        • Twitter:Ìý,ÌýÌý
      3. New York CityÌýDepartment of EducationÌý(NYCDOE)Ìý
        • Website:ÌýÌýÌý
        • Twitter:ÌýÌýÌý
      4. Western NewÌýYorkÌýRegionalÌýInformationÌýCenter (WNYRIC)ÌýinÌýcollaboration with Erie 2 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES, Orleans Niagara BOCES, and Cattaraugus Alleghany BOCES (Western Joint Management Team, JMT).Ìý
        • Website:ÌýÌý
        • Twitter:ÌýÌýÌý
      5. YonkersÌýCity School DistrictÌý- (YCSD)Ìý
        • Website:ÌýÌý
        • Twitter:ÌýÌý
  • SUNY Stony Brook Center for Teaching and Learning in Community (CTLC)
    • Website:Ìý Ìý
    • ¶«¾©ÈÈÎÞÂë has partnered with CTLC to facilitate an ongoing evaluation of the TRLE program.Ìý
    • CTLC will perform the following activities:Ìý
      1. Program evaluation and improvement – Through surveys, focus groups, and interviews, CTLC will gather data from various groups of stakeholders in order to inform the TRLE program and better serve educators and students.Ìý
      2. Action-research – CTLC will facilitate professional learning communities to develop problems of practice that will lead to the creation of a Quality Remote/Hybrid Teaching Framework and several professional learning experiences for educators in New York State.Ìý
  • Measurement Inc.
    • Website:
    • ¶«¾©ÈÈÎÞÂë has partnered with Measurement Inc. to deliver 60+ Professional Learning Experiences (PLEs) based on the TRLE's six core competencies and the efficacy research performed including turnkey training curriculum to educators and educational leaders across New York State.
