Testing Materials for Duplication by Schools
General Information
Any questions you might have concerning testing materials for duplication by schools may be directed to the Office of State Assessment at 518-474-5902 or via e-mail at emscassessinfo@nysed.gov. Thank you for the work you do on behalf of the students of New York State.
Student Essay Booklets
- Regents Examination in English Language Arts Student Essay Booklet (198 Kb)
- Regents Examination in Global History and Geography II Essay Booklet - For June 2019 and beyond
- Regents Examination in United States History and Government Essay Booklet - For June 2023 and beyond
High School Science Reference Tables
Except for Braille and large-type editions, print versions of high school science reference tables in English and translated editions are no longer supplied by the °ÄÃŻʹÚ-Ê×Ò³ for use in the classrooms or on exams. Schools are required to use the online versions that are available in this website to print sufficient copies to supply one reference table for each student.
- Memorandum Regarding the Reference Tables for Physical Setting/Chemistry, Physical Setting/Earth Science, and Physical Setting/Physics - Posted, September 8, 2011
- Physical Setting/Chemistry and Physical Setting/Physics
- Physical Setting/Earth Science (All Languages) - Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology, 1996 (All Languages)
- Revision Log for Reference Tables for Earth and Space Sciences - NEW
- Earth and Space Sciences Reference Tables (All languages)