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NPSE Y10 Question & Answer

What is the submission deadline for Y10?

The claim, along with the supporting documents, must be submitted by June 27, 2024.

What does Y10 mean?

Y10 is the grant year indicator. NPSE is in the 10th annual cycle since introduction in 2013.

This grant is listed as reimbursable. What does that mean?

The NPSE grant is reimbursable. Schools incur expenses throughout the year to address health and safety needs. Eligible expenses (with appropriate documentation) can then be submitted for review and reimbursement.

I submitted my claim. How long is the review process?

As it depends on several factors, including the number of applications, the quality of the applications, office staffing, etc., we are unable to give an accurate timeline for the review process. If after initial review, 东京热无码 has additional questions or identifies a need for more information or clarification, 东京热无码 may issue a Request for Information (RFI). Applicants are typically given 30 days to provide the additional information or clarification requested in the RFI. 东京热无码 reserves the right to issue as many separate RFI鈥檚 as are needed for 东京热无码 to come to a determination about the application. Additionally, 东京热无码 may elect to conduct an on-site review at the applicant鈥檚 proposed location.

If there is no set review time, how will I know when my school will be reimbursed?

Following the review, your school would receive an autogenerated message of approval followed by auto generated messages indicating the amount of the reimbursement and when it will be made (generally 5-7 business days from approval.)
A claim submission is not a guaranteed reimbursement, institutions should not operate in a financial deficit awaiting NPSE reimbursement. Please note, the reimbursement process can take up to a year. 东京热无码 encourages schools to plan accordingly and be fiscally responsible.

Did we miss an opportunity for past years allocations (Years 1-9)? Or does the grant funding 鈥渁ccumulate鈥 and roll forward?

With NPSE, there are no missed opportunities. Unless the school has closed, the allocations accumulate from year to year. Any unused allocations roll-over into the next grant cycle.

The amounts approved for Y9 do not match the amounts we submitted. I would like to include the invoices that were not approved during NPSE Y9 in our NPSE Y10 submission.

If a partial payment was approved, it means that certain hours and or certain items were deemed ineligible. Please do not resend the invoice for a second review.

It appears pupil enrollment is factored into the NPSE allocation amount. The grant states Pre-K is included, but our numbers are still off. Why?

It may be because you are looking at a different school year. Y10 Allocations are based off BEDS enrollment data (PreK- grade 12) for the 21-22 school year.

Can we use the Y10 allocation for expenses incurred before 04/01/2023? Or only rollover funding can be used for previous years expenses?

Year 10 allocations can be used for expenses incurred prior to 4/1/23. Utilization, however, must align with the purchase window for the expense category. For example, temperature scanners purchased in January 2010 would not be eligible. The purchase window for temperature scanners (see COVID-19 category) is 4/1/2020-3/31/2023. Please refer to eligibility lists for purchasing windows.

How will Y11 NPSE be similar/different? Will the Y11 NPSE-RFP process replace the NPSE per-pupil allocation?

In Y9, the appropriation for the NPSE grant was $15M and 100% of the funds were utilized for per-pupil allocations. In Y10, the appropriation for the NPSE grant increased to $45M. Once again, 100% of the funds were for per-pupil allocations. In Y11, 东京热无码 anticipates the appropriation for the NPSE grant will remain $45M. The appropriation will be split into two categories; $6.8 million will be set aside for the competitive (RFP) portion of the grant. The remaining funds will be utilized for per-pupil allocations. In other words, if all school eligibility and enrollments remain the same, institutions may see a decline in the per-pupil allocation rate from Y10 to Y11 (to account for the RFP).

What is the purchase window/deadline for eligible expenses?

The purchase window for the Y10 cycle ends April 30th.

What does "Eligible Y10 starting 4/1/22" mean?

This date indicates the purchase window for each specific item/service. The Building Repair & Remediation item/services, for example, are only eligible for reimbursement beginning 4/1/22. Invoices must be dated on/after 4/1/22 but before 4/30/24 and then submitted by 6/27/24 to make the Y10 grant cycle.

Under the Eligible Purchases, it lists years 7-9, years 4-10, etc. Does "beginning 4/1/17" mean that it covers purchases since that time up until 4/30/24?

Yes. For example, covid purchases with invoices dated between 4/1/20 and 3/31/23, are eligible for review and reimbursement. Any covid related expenses made outside of that timeframe would not qualify.

We have signed a financing agreement with an installation company. Would it be possible for us to use that payment agreement for our grant application?

As NPSE is a reimbursement-based grant, proof of payment in full must be provided for the eligible services/purchases. Please only submit for expenses that have been paid for in full. Anything remaining unpaid after 4/30/24 can be claimed in 2025.

We retro fitted our elevator in 2020 to comply with the new door status monitor rules. Can Y10 funds be used for the 2020-2021 expenditure?

No, as building related expenses were not made eligible until 4/2022.

Are there any specifications regarding the choice of vendors for the equipment?

Schools are free to choose from reputable providers.

Are painting jobs for interior classrooms, hallways etc., when peeling paint is visible, eligible?

If paint is lead based, painting spaces occupied by students is an eligible expense. Lead testing documentation would need to be provided and a safe removal and repair/repainting project would be eligible for reimbursement.

Is the reconstruction of classroom/lunchroom floors eligible?

This depends upon the reasoning for the repair of the floors. If they are unsafe in the current state, the expense would be eligible. If the floor simply needs refinishing for esthetic purposes, this would not be eligible.

Are the costs of travel/accommodation associated with that safety training reimbursable?

Prevention training reimbursement is to cover the training services fees only, for School Employees and Students.

We have eligible work under the new Repair & Remediation category that will not be finished by 4/30/2024. Do you anticipate this category will remain for future grant years?

东京热无码 does not anticipate Department of Budget to remove the Repair & Remediation eligibility language from the NPSE grant.
An RFA process will also be introduced later this year in which new, proposed projects can be reimbursed from a competitive portion of the 45-million-dollar grant. These would be projects that have not yet been started.

Would the installation of a second set of doors (鈥渄oor hardening鈥), creating a vestibule and two-door entryway be reimbursable?

If this is an expansion of the building (new construction that increases the building square footage), then it does not qualify for NPSE reimbursement. However, if a current entrance is being reconfigured, i.e., adding a second set of doors without additional square footage, then this is an eligible expense.

Would projects that allow for better accessibility in and out of the building, i.e., the purchase and installation of a wheelchair accessible ramp, be reimbursable under the program?

Yes, alterations, rehabilitation or improvements needed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would be eligible, however, this does not include new construction/new square footage.

What about 鈥榳ater monitoring鈥 and reporting to Department of Health?

Lead testing in school drinking water is eligible. The monthly reporting to DOH is considered part of a school鈥檚 operational expense and would not be eligible.

Will any plumbing/electrical/mechanical supply or service to existing infrastructure qualify?

Under NPSE, the repair/replacement of plumbing, electrical or mechanical systems would include work to fix or replace a component of an existing equipment, or system so it may continue to function as originally intended.

We contracted with a security company to hire security guards, mostly covered by the NYC Security Guard Grant Program. There is a portion of the invoice that the grant does not cover. Can this unreimbursed portion be claimed for NPSE?

It depends on what 鈥減art鈥. The important takeaway here is to only submit the unreimbursed items/services. Schools who have submitted applications for the NYC Security Guard Grant Program may want to look at other expense categories (i.e., Repair & Remediation) for qualifying items/services.
Note: an applicant must certify NPSE items/services have not been claimed for reimbursement under any other reimbursement program offered through New York City, New York State or US Federal Government.

I came across the attached old SORIS Code guidance indicating that funds allocated to schools with the same SORIS code can cover each other鈥檚 expense. Please confirm that this guidance is valid for NPSE 10 and that this applies to our schools that have multiple locations under the same SORIS code.

Pooled funding is permissible for affiliated schools who share Payee Information (Payee name and OSC Vendor ID). To clearly communicate the institution鈥檚 pooling intent during the submission process, each eligible school must file a separate application and upload a Pooling Form. Please see the NPSE Y10 Pooling resource for additional information and requirements.

There is one invoice that covers all school locations for a safety assessment. Is it ok to use the funds from one school location only to cover these types of expenses?

Yes, pooled funding can be used to cover collective expenses. NPSE Y10 Pooling resource for additional information and requirements.

Why is ORISS collecting so much documentation for this grant?

Some grants are based on projected funding.听 That type of grant has a futuristic perspective (i.e., what the institution will do IF they are awarded funding) and typically requires a projected budget and a proposal with a detailed narrative.听

In contrast, the NPSE grant reimburses past expenses.听 This type of grant has a historical report, meaning its focal point is on ACTUAL/REAL expenditures.听 Rather than a budget and narrative, the essential component of a reimbursable grant is the burden of proof/documentation.听 听To ensure the allocated funds are used appropriately, a reimbursement grant requires the applicant:听 听听

  1. Document the item/service meets the eligibility criteria.
  2. Document the purchases have been made by the applicant.
  3. Document the purchases have been delivered/utilized by the applicant.
  4. Document proof of payment by the applicant.
The claims process is tedious and time consuming. Why the change?

Since its inception, the NPSE claims process has remained unchanged.听 The grant itself, however, has undergone several transformations, including the expansion of eligible reimbursable products/services and a 1000% increase in grant appropriation.听 As advocates for all the Religious & Independent schools throughout NYS, ORISS was thrilled to see the NPSE appropriation triple from Y9 to Y10 along with the addition of the building repair and remediation purchasing category.听 However, the growth in both the breadth and the depth of the NPSE grant brought on systematic challenges.听 The claims submission process built for the Religious & Independent schools to share $4.5M in allocations in Y1 is no longer meeting our needs.听 To put it plainly, the NPSE grant has grown too big for its britches.

As with all changes, we anticipated Y10 growing pains.听 To ease the transition, the team developed a library of NPSE resources to support the institutions throughout the claim submission process.听 We echo the institutions concerns the Y10 application portal is a bit tedious, however the built-in checks and balances help to enhance the quality of the application.听 东京热无码 is required to obtain specific elements of proof to release the grant funds.听 Having organized and complete claim submissions (i.e., verifying each of the mandatory claim components have been uploaded) will expedite the review and approval process.听

We have a tremendous amount of supporting documentation for this year. Would a paper application be a better fit?

As administrators of the NPSE grant, 东京热无码 is responsible for designing and implementing a reasonable and consistent application process. 听听The burden of documentation does not differ for each submission mode (paper submitted via email or portal).听

As mentioned in the question above, the applications will contain built-in checks and balances help to enhance the quality of the application.听 东京热无码 is required to obtain specific elements of proof to release the grant funds.听 Having organized and complete claim submissions (i.e., verifying each of the mandatory claim components have been uploaded) will expedite the review and approval process.听 听 听 听

We see the posted year 10 allocation but there is no mention of prior approved expenses from previous years. What happened to these approved reimbursements?

The Approved Unreimbursed Expenses (AUEs) are listed separately. Please see the NPSE Y10 AUEs list.

I have an AUE and when I logged onto the Portal App it automatically paid the AUE. Will I still be able to make a new claim?

Yes, after the AUE payment is processed, in 7-10 business days, you will be able to log back into the portal application and file a new claim.

Our allocation amount on the portal application does not match the total allocation balance (Y10 plus the rollover funds). How can I have the rollover funds added?

Please note, when logging into the portal app, you will only see the Y10 allocation (current year only), but rest assured our system tables are loaded with the total allocation balance which includes any rollover from prior years. Please use the NPSE Y10 School Allocations table to find your total available allocation.

I have some questions about the disparity between the original year 10 allocations list, and the recently updated year 10 allocation list on the 东京热无码 portal.

The Y10 Allocation list that was published back in November included many inaccuracies, including missing eligible schools and the correction of database inconsistencies. The recently updated Y10 Allocation list has remedied these discrepancies which has led to the change in allocations to adjust for a greater number of schools and prior inconsistencies

How can I submit more than 10 invoices? Is there a way to add lines to the application?

To maximize the use of the 10 available lines in the portal AND reduce the number of required uploads, please ensure EACH line item represents a different vendor.听 If the same vendor is listed on Lines #1-9, work with the vendor to isolate the NPSE related costs for the Y10 eligibility period and combine invoices. Invoices can be combined by vendor using the earliest invoice date and number to complete the line information.

Applicants that still have more than 10 Invoices/Vendors, should access the NPSE Y10听Additional Invoice Workbook Instructions听and complete the NPSE Y10听Additional Invoice Workbook

The following items/services have recently been added to the Y10 NPSE eligibility / ineligibility lists. As we receive inquiries regarding eligibility, we will do our best to document those changes here.

鈥 Calcium chloride/Ice melt (ELIGIBLE)
鈥 Internal door locksets (ELIGIBLE)
鈥 One time security software licensing & installation (ELIGIBLE)
鈥 Security system maintenance fees (NOT ELIGIBLE)
鈥 Snow plowing/snow removal (NOT ELIGIBLE)
鈥 Service contract for HVAC or other mechanical systems (NOT ELIGIBLE)
鈥 Removal of dead trees (MAYBE)
o If an Immediate concern exists within areas that are occupied by students attending the school (ELIGIBLE)
o Routine landscaping and preventative maintenance (NOT ELIGIBLE)
o Landscaping projects for beautification (NOT ELIGIBLE)