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Deaf Infant Program

For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infants and Their Families

Program Overview

The NYSSD Infant Program for families with babies with hearing loss is a family-focused home-based program. It services families with babies, birth to 3 years of age. Services are provided by a Teacher of the Deaf in the home once a week. These services are shared with the local county Early Intervention, which sets up any other needed services, such as Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Services from the Teacher of the Deaf includes: helping families to understand their child's audiogram; educating the families on their many options and writing goals accordingly; helping families to establish a language-rich home environment; modeling for the family the use of language during daily routines and play; and setting up Parent Meetings to connect families and to address relevant topics.

Families are welcome to visit our school and consult with other staff. The Teacher of the Deaf works closely with all personnel involved with the family, including the child's Audiologist. A team approach is emphasized.

Who Is Eligible?

Children, ages birth – 2 years, 11 months, with a confirmed hearing loss.

Additional Information

Additional information is available from the resources below, and/or you may contact Carolyn Reed at 315-337-8400, ext. 5803.
